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Digital citizenship is a vital component of your CMASAS education. As a private online school, we are committed to helping students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to responsibly navigate online. Here are some key tips to help:


Respect: Be a positive role model and good digital citizen. Treat everyone online with respect just as you would someone in person. For example, share helpful and informative content and contribute positively to your homeroom gatherings, club meetings, student assemblies, and student council events. Avoid personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, or derogatory language.


Think: Before sharing or posting anything online, think about its potential impact and whether it aligns with your values. Consider if it is accurate, appropriate, and respectful.


Protect: Be cautious about what you share online. Avoid sharing sensitive personal info such as your address, phone number, or financial details. Make sure you only share info with trusted sources.


Secure: To protect yourself from cyber threats, regularly update strong passwords. Be cautious of phishing attempts or suspicious links. If you have any issues to report to CMASAS IT, please send your issues here. Be aware of the privacy settings on your social media accounts and only use reputable security software.


Critically Think: Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the credibility and reliability of online information. Cross-reference multiple sources before accepting information as true. Be aware of fake news, misinformation, and the potential biases that can exist online.


Be Honest: Respect the intellectual property rights of others and avoid plagiarism. Honor copyright laws, seek permission, and give credit to the original creators when using their work.


Balance: Prioritize real-life interactions, physical exercise, and other hobbies over your time online. Remember to disconnect and take breaks from digital devices to promote your well-being. Join one of our many clubs at CMASAS. There are new clubs that may interest you as we begin the 2023/2024 school year.


Report: If you encounter harmful, abusive, or inappropriate behavior online, report it to your PEC or course instructor. Utilize the blocking or filtering features to protect yourself.


By following these tips, you can cultivate responsible digital citizenship. Remember, your actions online have the potential to shape a positive digital community and enhance the online experience for everyone.